From scraping by since Covid, to 4K profit a month.
Chicago, IllinoisMATT H.Matt is a boxing gym owner located in Chicago, Illinois. Matt was struck heavy during Covid and had one of his main sources of income shut down, soon after Covid it was still difficult to get people back in the door. Matt was scraping having some months be profitable and others not, until he joined MMAACADEMY. In late 2023 he joined MMAACADEMY and it seemed like things were starting to turn around.
Matt previously tried to do Facebook ads on his own and it didn't prove to be profitable so he assumed they didn't work. After he signed up he got our Facebook ads system as a part of MMAACADEMY and saw it work tremendously well. Soon enough Matt's gym flipped upside down! From scraping by profiting 1K per month, he now profits over 4K a month and growing!
Matt took action as soon as he saw our 20K guarantee, if you don't make an EXTRA 20K you get your money back. Point. Blank. Simple.